The black paper records any kind of mistakes within experiences in the past so that either I or other people can learn lessons from it. The more the black paper contains, the more lessons can be regarded. To avoid the mistakes that I have made - is my aim.
This project is innovated by a video game "Watch Dogs 2". Inside this game, there is a robot that can move freely, jump, do Live Video & Audio Streaming, control a robot arm and speak. Each of these can be a project individually, so this project will contain several phases and the results of the phases will be integrated into a whole robot at the last of the project.
Do you find that passing a link from PC to phones are really a pain? No problem, this tool will help you out.
BadUSB has been a hacking tool that is hard to be prevented. However, I have got 2 main ideas to guard our precious computers from the attacks.
LPC55S69-EVK contains a chip with two Arm Cortex-M33 Cores. It also features TrustZone technology. With those, a quite powerful quadcopter flight controller can be created. And I will continue on the work towards the final flight controller with a step-by-step learning process.
The entire system is just a closed-loop control system where a bunch of op-amps as the calculating elements. Not that complicated though IMO...
The entire system is just a closed-loop control system where a bunch of op-amps as the calculating elements. Not that complicated though IMO...
People never learn from others' experiences. They only learn from fatal mistakes.
In order to control the robot, there should be user input. In this case, it is a joystick. I will show how to get the input and generate the output for the oscilloscope.
LPC55S69-EVK contains a chip with two Arm Cortex-M33 Cores. It also features TrustZone technology. With those, a quite powerful quadcopter flight controller can be created. And I will continue on the work towards the final flight controller with a step-by-step learning process.
BadUSB is to simulate human keyboard input, which can be prevented on the Software side. It just needs to block all keyboard input globally when the unexpected HID device is detected. This is especially for Windows OS.